The ODU Group – Connector manufacturer from Germany

The ODU Group is one of the leading international manufacturers of connector systems with headquarters in Germany and locations worldwide. The perfect combination of tradition and technological progress enables us to turn our visionary ideas into customized contact solutions.

Whether in medical or military technology, in industry or in the automotive sector - our solutions are as individual as our customers' requirements. 

ODU in 81 seconds

Join us on a short journey through the ODU plants and take a look behind the scenes. See how an idea becomes a real product. No matter where you are in the world or how unusual your application is. 

Executive Management

ODU is managed by Dr. Josef Leitner, Dr. Henner Spelsberg and Robert Klemisch. Together they characterize the ODU motto: With creativity, inventiveness, and innovative strength, we actively shape our company’s future and create value for our customers. 

years of experience in the connector industry
  • 1942: Foundation of Otto Dunkel GmbH
  • 80 % depth of production
  • 290 million € sales
employees worldwide
  • 12 distribution locations
  • 5 production and logistics locations
  • 1,500 employees at the headquarters in Mühldorf am Inn
trainees worldwide
  • 13 apprenticeship professions
  • Dual studies: Linking theory and practice
  • Apprentices’ workshop in-house

Otto Dunkel’s revolutionary idea

How ODU became what it is today

As the saying goes, every beginning holds a special kind of magic. The inventor Otto Dunkel quickly recognized the magic behind an everyday observation – and used it to develop the world’s first spring contact. 

The observation

Otto Dunkel experienced one of his most profound flashes of inspiration when he observed a man sweeping leaves with a twig broom. This moment was nothing less than the birth of the springwire contact.


The idea

Analogous to the individual brushwood branches of the broom, Otto Dunkel divided his new contact into lines, i.e., small, individual springs. Like the twigs in the broom, these also expand on contact.

The result

The result was a revolutionary contact – characterised by consistent contact resistance and pressure. Thanks to the new connector, a major shortcoming of the message transmission equipment in use at the time, namely the unreliable plug-in contacts, had finally been overcome.


Otto Dunkel GmbH receives the patent for producing the „spring‐loaded plug pin“ – inspired by a twig broom – known today as „ODU SPRINGTAC®“.

1986 ODU‐MAC®

The ODU‐MAC® Modular Rectangular Connector System takes off and quickly becomes an important pillar of the product range.


The ODU MINI‐SNAP® Circular Connector series celebrates a successful market launch.

2011 ODU AMC® Circular Connector system

The new ODU AMC® Circular Connector System is launched.

2020 Mass interconnect system

ODU unveils its proprietary mass interconnect solution – the ODU‐MAC® Black‐Line.

Where you can find us

Global presence of the Group - from Upper Bavaria to the world

2023 ODU in Austria

Foundation of ODU Austria GmbH

2020 ODU in Hong Kong

Direct sales in Taiwan, South East Asia and New Zealand via ODU Hong Kong

2019 ODU in Korea

Founding of ODU Korea Inc.

2018 ODU production in Romania

ODU opens a new production facility in Sibiu, Romania.

2016 ODU in Mexico

ODU opened a new production facility near Tijuana, Mexico.

2015 ODU in Japan

Foundation of the subsidiary ODU Japan K.K.

2014 ODU in Italy

Foundation of the subsidiary ODU Italia S.R.L.

2014 ODU in Denmark

Foundation of the subsidiary ODU Denmark ApS

2012 ODU in China

Founding of the Product Development Center (PDC) in Shanghai, China

2006 ODU in Romania

Foundation of the subsidiary ODU Romania Manufacturing SRL

2001 ODU in Shanghai

Foundation of ODU (Shanghai) Connectors Manufacturing Co, Ltd.

1999 ODU in Scandinavia

Foundation of the subsidiary ODU Scandinavia AB

1996 ODU in France

Foundation of the subsidiary ODU-France SARL

1987 ODU in the United Kingdom

Foundation of the subsidiary ODU-UK Limited

1985 ODU in the USA

Foundation of the subsidiary ODU-USA, Inc.

1942 ODU in Mühldorf

Founded by Otto Dunkel

Our sales team is waiting to assist you!

We work with you to develop a solution that perfectly meets your requirements. From planning and production to cable assembly: We combine all competencies under one roof and can also implement customized solutions for your project.