Electromagnetic compatibility 

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of interconnect solutions is one of the basic requirements in many application areas. Especially where people depend on interference‐free electronics.
The challenge is to create an EMC‐shielded connector system to prevent interference signals and enable fast transfer rates.

  • Development and optimization of complete systems with optimal EMC results
  • In‐house simulations and measurements
  • Connectors and cables – matched and tested

Know-how and manufacturing competence

ODU has decades of expertise in the manufacture of connector systems. In conjunction with our extensive development and in‐house expertise, we can thus meet even the most demanding requirements regarding the electromagnetic compatibility of our connections.

We carry out internal simulations and measurements at an early stage to ensure fast and secure implementation of your project. We can draw on many years of experience to identify problem areas and implement adjustments efficiently. For fast and economical project execution!

Versatile solutions with convenient cable assembly

Thanks to our fundamental research in the field of electromagnetic compatibility, we can combine a wide range of properties and requirements in one connector. For maximum system performance and optimal EMC results!

  • Elaborate in-house simulations for quality assurance
  • Monitoring of the required shielding attenuation and transfer impedance

Our sales team is waiting to assist you!

We work with you to develop a solution that perfectly meets your requirements. From planning and production to cable assembly: We combine all competencies under one roof and can also implement customized solutions for your project.