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The construction of the state-of-the-art logistics centre at the headquarters of ODU GmbH und Co KG in Mühldorf was heralded in with a ground-breaking ceremony. Mühldorf's mayor Michael Hetzl, deputy district administrator Ilse Preisinger-Sontag, master builder Birgit Weichselgartner, Karin Zieglgänsberger, city councillor and economic officer for the city of Mühldorf, and other guests accepted the company's invitation and were delighted with the progress made in terms of growth and, above all, the company's commitment to Mühldorf as a business location.
The new building will create new opportunities for ODU's logistics supply. In particular, the new, ultra-modern automated small parts warehouse (AKL) will be able to store and handle more than 37,000 containers in future. With up to 300 storage and retrieval operations per hour, it will bring the storage process up to the state of the art. In addition to the ability to handle the internal transport of goods fully automatically, there will also be docking stations for lorries.
Both Ilse Preisinger-Sontag and Mayor Hetzl emphasised the importance of the new building for the region and the company in their welcoming speeches. ODU Managing Director Robert Klemisch emphasised: "This is a commitment to the location. We will continue the ODU success story in Mühldorf. This investment will raise the logistical efficiency and delivery capability for our customers to an even higher level". Mayor Hetzl also paid tribute to the company's long and successful history and emphasised the mutual support between the town of Mühldorf and the connector manufacturer.
The new building, which is scheduled to be occupied and commissioned in December 2025, will house all logistics functions on five floors. The total cost of the project is around 20 million euros.
The ground-breaking ceremony is another milestone in the company's success story, which stands for consistency and innovation. The completion of the building will not only optimise logistics processes, but will also further promote the economic development of the region.